About Us
Owner's: Ronnie and Christina Black opened rBc Music Store August 7, 2021, nearly 8 months after getting married in hopes of reaching their community with music that reminded them of days when Reliable Music in Charlotte inspired all musicians. With Reliable Music long gone a new era of music needed a venue for local musicians from the beginner to the pro. As their vision developed Ronnie and Christina searched Stanly County and parts of Cabarrus County in North Carolina to build their dream. Several options opened. Only one spot was their absolute favorite. After inquiring about the location it was said to be unavailable. Prayers went up. After only a day of seeking God's favor they reached out to the owners of the building personally. The space would be available the next Monday! Then the issues of proprietary sales began to worry them. Prayers went up, again. Doors opened with vendors across the world. It was almost too easy. It seemed like God was shining on their vision. Though, the COVID pandemic loomed, they pressed forward in their efforts to build a new chapter. As Ronnie developed a complicated list of needs and wants Christina began the ground work of schematics. Together they made the vision they had on paper into a reality. rBc Music Store carries guitars, drums, keyboards and Pro Audio products including accessories. Lessons and repairs are offered in store. Open mic nights fill the air on a regular basis. To assist the local schools, rBc Music Store joined with VERITAS to supply rental instruments to students.
Having lost his daughter, Meagan Black, to a drug over dose in 2018, Ronnie was moved to reach out to the local addiction recovery centers. After their 1st year in business, Ronnie and Christina tapped into the needs of 2 addiction facilities.
M.E.G. FEST: (Music Elevates Grace)was born October 15, 2022. A day of live music with talented local artists, craft and food truck vendors and a great community of volunteers, a fund raising event to benefit GROUND 40 MINISTRIES and HOUSE OF PEARLS MINISTRIES launched. These faith based programs help hurting men and women find a path to recovery from a life gripped with addiction. The spirit of this event continues to raise funds for both ministries. Look for related raffles, funder raisers and events at rBc Music Store.
Along with Ronnie and Christina, you may have the honor of meeting Braedyn Lowder. Braedyn is an experienced musician and guitar tech. He can offer help choosing your next new musical purchase.
Braedyn Lowder: Trainer
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